American Natural Gas Markets Can Meet Demand at Low Costs

A recent analysis on US natural gas markets commissioned by the American Council for Capital Formation Center (ACCF) evaluated multiple demand outlooks and draws two important conclusions. First, America has […]

Natural Gas and the G7

Ahead of a Group of Seven (G7) meeting in Japan, G7 officials gathered for a ministerial meeting to discuss economic, trade, and environmental issues. On Sunday, April 16, news broke […]

The US Needs Bipartisan Permitting Modernization

Why is permitting modernization a hot topic? The need for permitting reform is a discussion that has closely followed discussions around the need to modernize our infrastructure. Energy industry executives, […]

The Federal Lease Message Wheel Goes Round and Round

For opponents of oil and gas development on federal lands, there are many opportunities to “spin the message wheel” to create confusion or claims against production.  One day, its complaints […]

America’s Energy Revolution

Before the American Shale Revolution, our country faced high and unstable energy prices and increasing emissions. We were largely reliant on foreign countries to meet our energy needs – meaning […]