Fast Facts on American Natural Gas Prices
One of the justifications that supporters of the Biden administration’s recent freeze on U.S. LNG (liquefied natural gas) export approvals center around the domestic cost of natural gas. They argue […]
Guide to the “Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act”
On a Friday news dump in January, the Biden administration announced that it will freeze new U.S. liquified natural gas (LNG) export approvals to non-Free Trade Agreement nations (i.e. most […]
Resource Document: The Need for U.S. LNG – U.S. Natural Gas Can Power the World and Lower Global Emissions
“Natural gas is one of the mainstays of global energy. Where it replaces more polluting fuels, it improves air quality and limits emissions of carbon dioxide.” -Faith Birol, Executive Director, […]
Understanding the 2024 Methane Regulation Landscape
You’ve probably heard a lot recently about methane regulation, and with good reason. Reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas sector is one of the most achievable and impactful […]
Recognizing America’s Critical Role in the Future of Energy
AXPC Heads to Capitol Hill: On December 5, AXPC President and CEO Anne Bradbury testified before the House Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security, chaired by […]
EPA Methane Rule Should be Modified to Avoid Production Loss and Higher Energy Costs
AXPC companies are focused on reducing methane emissions from their operations and support effective and reasonable regulation of methane that balances the essential value of US oil and natural gas […]
BLM’s “Public Lands Rule” Exceeds BLM’s Authority and Could Restrict Domestic Oil and Gas Production
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an Agency within the Interior Department, recently released a proposed rule to amend current law that could make it harder for the American people […]
American Natural Gas Markets Can Meet Demand at Low Costs
A recent analysis on US natural gas markets commissioned by the American Council for Capital Formation Center (ACCF) evaluated multiple demand outlooks and draws two important conclusions. First, America has […]
EPA has an Opportunity to Finalize a Workable and Practical Methane Rule
EPA is in the process of finalizing a regulation that – if left unchanged – could increase energy costs for American families and businesses across the country and actually hurt […]