AXPC Position on Methane Regulations


The historic reductions in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions over the last decade have been driven by the emergence of U.S. natural gas production as a low cost source of reliable energy. It is important that regulatory policy enables us to build on that success.

AXPC companies are focused on reducing methane emissions from their operations and support effective and reasonable regulation of methane that balances the essential value of US oil and natural gas production with the global challenge of addressing climate change.

Consistent with our Climate Policy and Principles, AXPC companies believe collaboration amongst policy makers and industry partners is needed to find solutions that will meaningfully drive down emissions, while allowing US independent producers to meet the global demand for affordable and reliable oil and natural gas.

Regulation of methane emissions should:

    • Encourage innovation and flexibility, instead of command-and-control regulations that hinder the goal of reducing methane emissions
    • Allow and incentivize the development and deployment of technologies to monitor and mitigate methane emissions for compliance purposes
    • Appropriately quantify and assess the feasibility, costs and benefits of implementing new requirements for existing facilities
    • Avoid creating duplicative and overlapping regulatory regimes at the federal and state levels
    • Properly interpret and follow the relevant provisions of the Clean Air Act