American energy production supports lower energy costs, greater energy security, and climate leadership. AXPC is the voice of the leading independents, the companies that brought about the American Energy Revolution.
Because of the American Energy Revolution, over the last 20 years the global energy map has been reshaped dramatically. The US is now the world leader in both oil and natural gas production. As a result, our country has enjoyed lower costs, the world has benefited from greater energy security, and our country leads the world in creating a cleaner environment.
Domestically produced oil and natural gas is an incredible economic and strategic advantage for our nation.
AXPC has created an Energy Fundamentals presentation deck with detailed information and data points from independent sources, such as the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the US Energy Information Agency (EIA) to explain how American energy production is leading the world in Energy Production, Climate Leadership, Energy Exports and Keeping Prices Low and Stable for the American people. We also have information on Global and US Energy Consumption, Lifecycle and Regulation of Oil and Natural Gas Wells, and an overview of how Production on Federal Lands benefits the American people.
Energy Education Manuals can be purchased here.
Natural Gas and Electric Reliability
Natural gas plays a critical role in supporting the electric grid by providing reliable, on-demand power generation. Explore AXPCs electric grid fundamentals and the role of natural gas.

The AXPC’s 2025 Energy Policy Blueprint is a resource for the upcoming 119th Congress and the new presidential administration, offering commonsense legislative solutions that address some of the most pressing issues facing American energy.

US Energy Exports (Crude and US LNG)
The energy landscape is global and US energy exports are important to our country’s role in the market, global security, and our climate leadership in the world. American’s abundant oil and natural gas resources allow us to support both domestic and global energy needs, and exports demonstrably benefit the domestic economy by supporting good paying American jobs and low energy prices here at home – while reducing emissions. Globally, US energy exports provide environmental benefits, while lifting people around the world out of poverty.
Reducing Methane Emissions
The oil and natural gas industry is one of the most thoroughly regulated industries in the U.S. We recognize the importance of – and support – regulations that ensure the safety of our employees, the environment, and our communities. AXPC companies are focused on reducing methane emissions from their operations and support effective and reasonable regulation of methane that balances the essential value of U.S. oil and natural gas production with the global challenge of addressing climate change.
Who We Are
AXPC is the voice of the leading independent US energy producers. We promote the inherent value of American-made oil and natural gas.
We educate and advocate for responsible upstream development and constructive federal solutions with policymakers, industry partners, and the media. We actively support our members’ commitment to continuous improvement.
For media inquiries, please contact Mark Bednar at
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