WASHINGTON – The proposal signed by Administrator Wheeler today is an important step toward bringing objectivity and public participation in the rulemaking process.
“Through Administrator Wheeler’s proposal, EPA must now be consistent and transparent with the data and analysis used to justify decisions in its rulemaking efforts. These reforms help to avoid federal rules that could otherwise hurt American workers, businesses and our economy,” said AXPC CEO Anne Bradbury.
The Clean Air Act (CAA) significantly impacts all segments of the oil and gas industry. The cost-benefit analysis reforms outlined in the plan create the balance and clarity needed for more accurate and transparent EPA regulations moving forward and help to ensure EPA is properly using its statutory authority.
American businesses and states, for years, have expressed serious concerns about how EPA determines the cost of its federal regulations – either failing to fully consider the costs, overestimating the cost-benefits, or defining costs in an inconsistent or non-transparent way. According to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB), from 2006-2016, CAA regulations accounted for more costs than any other statute. OMB’s 2017 Report to Congress on the Benefits and Costs of Federal Regulations and Agency Compliance with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act states:
Across the Federal government, the rules with the highest estimated benefits as well as the highest estimated costs come from the Environmental Protection Agency and in particular its Office of Air and Radiation. Specifically, EPA rules account for 71 percent to 80 percent of the monetized benefits and 55 percent to 64 percent of the monetized costs. Of these, rules that have a significant aim to improve air quality account for over 95 percent of the benefits of EPA rules. (OMB Report Link: page 10)
U.S. Independent oil and gas producers continually and meaningfully reduce greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions from our operations. AXPC companies – as outlined in yearly sustainability reports – have been, and remain, dedicated to addressing environmental, social and governance issues and developing energy in responsible way. Correspondingly, all AXPC member companies are a part of The Environmental Partnership, to continuously improve the industry’s environmental performance by taking action, learning about best practices and technologies, and fostering collaboration in order to responsibly develop our nation’s essential oil and gas resources.
About the American Exploration and Production Council:
AXPC is a national trade association representing the largest independent oil and natural gas exploration and production companies in the United States. We lead the world in the cleanest and safest onshore production of oil and gas, while supporting millions of Americans in high-paying jobs and investing a wealth of resources in our communities. Learn more at https://axpc.org/