How American Producers are Tackling Emissions

It’s well known that the United States is a leader in oil and natural gas production, but lesser known is the fact that America is also a leader in reducing emissions. Our nation’s oil and natural gas producers are dedicated to developing affordable energy while proactively protecting and improving air quality. AXPC members know that managing their impact on the environment and the communities they in which they operate is critical to their business.


American producers are constantly improving upon best practices and innovating new technologies to minimize environmental impacts. Through monitoring, compiling and reporting emissions data and sharing success stories among companies, producers are able to innovate and improve together.

Technology is used both in the detection and mitigation of emissions, allowing producers to establish and meet emissions reduction goals. As technology advances, we’re seeing more and more success stories of emission reductions across the oil and gas industry. A few ways AXPC members are doing their part include:

– Gulfport Energy using vapor recovery units in their operations to increase the amount of methane and other volatile organic compounds captured in their operations.

– Extraction Oil and Gas installing lease automatic custody transfer (LACT) units, which are a new technology used to eliminate air emissions associated with oil production and transport.

– Marathon Oil’s investment in pneumatic controllers, which has allowed them to control the amount of gas emitted by their operations, and in some cases, achieve zero emissions.

– Range Resources designed a new thief hatch for wet gas facilities which eliminated potential leak points. The company also implemented a robust leak detection and repair program, which helps identify new and innovative methods to manage emissions.

In addition to new technologies, our members are investing in infrastructure that aims to reduce truck traffic and emissions and using low-emission diesel or clean-burning natural gas to power operations and facilities.


Regulations are another important part of reducing emissions. Many of our members participate in a variety of voluntary emissions reporting and reduction programs put in place by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, such as the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, the Methane Challenge and the Natural Gas STAR Program, whose participants have cumulatively reduced nearly 44 billion cubic feet of methane since 2006. Voluntary programs such as these ensure operators are contributing to the nations’ emissions reduction goals.


A number of AXPC members have set emissions reduction targets for their operations. For example, earlier this year, Range Resources committed to a goal of zero emissions across its operations, in addition to the 70 percent reduction it has already achieved in its leak ratio.

Devon Energy established a voluntary methane-intensity reduction goal of almost 13 percent by 2025.

AXPC members’ clean air efforts are lowering emissions across the country. In the last 12 years,  the U.S. has reduced its carbon dioxide emissions by 776 million metric tons – more than any other nation in the world. America’s energy producers are proud to contribute to this success, and we believe that innovative new technologies and practices employed by our member companies will continue America’s reign as a top energy producer and a leading emissions reducer.

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